Co-Editor-in-Chief: Camps Cédric
Abbreviated key title: Glob. J. Agric. Innov. Res. Dev.
ISSN (online): 2409-9813
Access: Open Access
Periodicity: Continous
Publishing Since: 2014
Publisher: Avanti Publishers
Ownership: Avanti Publishers
Aims & Scope
The Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development (GJAIRD) is a peer-reviewed, international journal that provides a forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research on agricultural innovation and development. The journal aims to bring together researchers, academics, and practitioners from diverse disciplines to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and the transfer of knowledge and technology. The scope of GJAIRD encompasses a wide range of topics related to agriculture, including agricultural biotechnology, agricultural mechanization, agricultural economics, food science and technology, climate-smart agriculture, and many more. The journal is dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles, review papers, and technical reports that contribute to the advancement of agricultural innovation and development. The goal of GJAIRD is to promote the development of sustainable agricultural systems that improve food security, reduce poverty, and enhance the environment.
To publish original, high-quality research articles and review papers that contribute to the advancement of agricultural innovation and development.
To provide a platform for the dissemination of new ideas, theories, and methodologies in agricultural innovation and development.
To foster interdisciplinary collaboration among researchers, academics, and practitioners in the field of agricultural innovation and development.
To promote the transfer of knowledge and technology from academia to industry and vice versa.
- Agricultural biotechnology
- Agricultural mechanization and automation
- Agricultural Economics and Management
- Agricultural extension and communication
- Agricultural policy and regulations
- Agricultural waste management
- Climate-smart agriculture
- Crop improvement and plant breeding
- Soil science and sustainable agriculture
- Precision agriculture and digital agriculture
- Livestock production and management
- Food science and technology
- Rural development and poverty alleviation
- Environmental impact of agriculture and mitigation strategies
This journal welcomes contributions from diverse fields related to agricultural innovation and development, including but not limited to the above mentioned areas.
Topics of Interest:
Agricultural Development |
Animal Husbandry |
Organic Agriculture |
Agricultural Economics |
Crop Physiology |
Plant breeding and Genitics |
Agricultural Engineering |
Food Science and Technology |
Plant Science |
Agricultural Machinery |
Forestry |
Seed Science |
Agriculture Biotechnology |
Horticulture |
Soil Science |
Agronomy |
Land and Water Management |
Sustainable Agriculture |
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Accepted | Approved by the Editor. No major changes or further modifications are required. The article will be published after copy editing and proof reading. |
Rejected | Not approved by the Editor. The article is rendered unfit for publication. |
Revision needed | The article will be sent back to the author for making the suggested and required amendments. The revised paper will be rechecked by the initial reviewers as a second round of review after which it may be accepted or rejected by the author. |
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1 week | Selection of the appropriate reviewers |
2 weeks* | To carry out the peer-review process |
1 month | Time allotted to authors for submitting the revised version of their articles (in case the article needs revision) |
1 week | Finalisation and publication of the manuscript. |
*this is not a definite time period since time required for the review process is dependent on the responses of the referees.
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