Article Processing Charges

To support greater accessibility and high-quality research dissemination, the International Journal of Petroleum Technology has reduced its Article Processing Charge (APC) to US$ 60.

About the APC

The International Journal of Petroleum Technology is an independent, peer-reviewed open-access journal that is not sponsored by any university, group, or institution. Open-access publication ensures wider dissemination, increased citations, and greater visibility for authors.

To maintain high editorial and publication standards, the journal incurs costs for copyediting, proofreading, typesetting, production, marketing, and online hosting services. Additionally, funds are required for memberships in professional organizations such as Crossref, iThenticate, and indexing databases. As an open-access journal, our only source of revenue to support these operations is through APC, which must be paid by the author or their institution only after the manuscript has been accepted for publication.

There are no article submission charges, and all manuscripts undergo an initial evaluation at no cost.

Why a Fixed APC?

To maintain fairness and sustainability, the journal applies a standard APC of US$ 60 for all authors, regardless of affiliation or country. This approach ensures:

Affordability: A low-cost publishing model accessible to all researchers.

Transparency: A straightforward, predictable APC with no hidden costs.

Sustainability: Sufficient funding to maintain editorial and publication operations.

Credibility: A fair, professional fee structure aligned with ethical publishing practices.

Payment Process

Upon acceptance of a manuscript, an invoice will be sent to the corresponding author via email.

The following payment methods are available:

1. Debit/Credit Card

2. Bank Transfer

Please note: APC payments are exclusive of local taxes that may apply based on the author’s country and applicable government policies.

For further information or inquiries, please contact